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Application logs

Log path: C:\Program Files\Teamviewer or C:\Program Files(x86)\Teamviewer

Path Timestamp format Notes
C:\program files(x64)\teamviewer\connections_incoming.txt DD-MM-YYYY HH:MM:SS (UTC) TeamViewer ID, remote computer (display name field), time duration, connection type and unique connection ID.
C:\program files(x64)\teamviewer\TeamViewer##_Logfile.log YYYY/HH/DD HH:MM:SS.SSS (timezone included) complete history of incoming and outgoing connection
%appdata%\Teamviewer\connections.txt ? successful outgoing connection details
%appdata\Teamviewer\TeamViewer##_Logfile.log YYYY/MM/DD HH:MM:SS.SSS (timezone unknown) General software information log

Logs are mostly TSV

Teamviewer ID is unique per device.

Log format[5]

Outgoing (connections.txt):

<Slave ID> <Start Date> <Start Time> <End Date> <End Time> <Current Windows User> <Connection Type> <Unique Session ID>

Incoming (Connections_incoming.txt):

<Controller ID> <Controller Display Name> <Start Date> <Start Time> <End Date> <End Time> <Current Windows User> <Connection Type> <Unique Session ID>

Useful grep

To get the public IP look for the following in TeamViewer##_logfile.log:

punch received a=

Other searches:

Send file|Write file|Download from|AddParticipant|ParticipantRemoved|SessionTerminate|RunAutheticationMethod
